
"but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint."
~Isaiah 40:31

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I have been neglecting this blog forever it seems!  Kysten had been taking a bath for a couple of months!!
Both Mike and I have been busy with work and other things (we will let you know at a later date in November and no it isn't what your thinking...).

I have been trying to get my photography business up and running.  I am so excited!    So if you want family pictures, portraits, baby pictures, wedding pictures you name it I'm your girl!

Kyrsten is doing great!  She is sooo becoming a toddler and this is one of the funnest stages!  She is talking and talking back. Lol!  Mostly to tell me or Mike "No".  She can say the following (not the best but tries):  Dadda, more, milk, woof woof, thank you, bye-bye, and no.

Just for fun... Crying.  Thought you all could be a part of this too.  The really fun stages of toddlerhood.  Lol!

She also loves giving people funny faces.  She will either smile really big or give a funny face.  It's pretty  adorable if you ask me.

She is becoming independent especially with eating food.  She wants to feed herself and it's comical.  She tries to get the food on her fork and put it in her mouth but it doesn't always make it.  That's the fun of growing up right?

She also loves her some crackers.

She loves to look at books while sitting in your lap or a chair if she is feeling independent.

Loves just to be able to sit in a chair period.  "Such a big girl!"

She has this thing with having to hold onto things for long periods of time.  She loves babies and her bunny rabbit.  It's very cute!

She still also loves the bottle.  Working on that one.  I really want to stop washing bottles!  lol!

Runs into things all the time.  Bruises weekly.

Drools all the time (teething still).

She loves Great Grandma Yvonne!

She loves to give hugs, she blows kisses, waves and says bye-bye, points to her nose all the time

and will lift up her shirt to show you her belly button.  Be careful though she may lift up your shirt just to see your belly button.

She loves to color.  What child doesn't?  It's so much fun!

She is for sure a girly girl (for now).  Loves to get dressed up.  I hope it stays this way for awhile at least.  I love it!  Dad not so much...

Her hair of course is getting longer but you wouldn't be able to tell because it is so curly.  She gets compliments on it all the time and I of course being her mom, love it!

She loves to go outside and play.  Loves looking at everything on the ground, leaves, rocks, some gross things, you name it!  

She loves to ride a bike, truck, anything that has wheels!  

She is so much fun and a huge joy in our lives!!

Until next time.  Have a fabulous rest of the week!!  God bless you and yours!

 What I'm not doing anything?...

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