Kyrsten is 10 months now and is doing all of the following:
Brushing her teeth (with mommy and daddy's help)
Rolling to get places but sure tries to crawl. She will get up on her hands and knees look back at her legs and drops to her belly again and starts rolling. She is so close to crawling it's crazy.
If she wants something she will go to great lengths to get it.
She can sit up on her own without our help. It's quite comical the way she pushes herself up.
She reaches for mommy and daddy when she wants to be picked up. It puts a whole new spin on things for sure.
She has separation anxiety as well. She doesn't like it when you leave the room.
She is teething like nobodies business. The slobber it crazy! And the crankiness is not something you can get used to. But she is a trooper.
She loves to make clicking noises with her tongue to the top of her mouth.
She is trying to stand in her crib. So we had to drop the mattress just in case she did start standing and fell out of the crib. She can't quite get up and when she tries it is funny to watch.
She loves making noises and "talking" while she is in the car. It's where she does it the most. Very cute!
She is growing up so fast! I love all the pictures you take.