It is just so crazy to me to think that four months ago Kyrsten Nicole came into this world and we are her parents. She has blessed us and we love her so much!! It is a new adventure everyday with her and we love it!!!
She rolled over for the first time from her back to her tummy on Monday, August 16th. It happened while I was at work but Mike was able to get a few pictures and we are so proud of her!!! I was able to get a video of her rolling over from her tummy to her back later that night. I have yet to see her roll over from her back to her tummy but I'm sure I will see it soon enough.
She is now old enough to play in her ExerSaucer and she loves it.
Enjoying her ExerSaucer
This past weekend we went across the water to Kingston to visit Mike's parents Patty & Dan. It was Kyrsten's first time on a ferry and her first time going to Grandpa and Grandma McAferty's. We made vanilla mixed with strawberries Ice Cream for the first time over there. It was so good and I can't wait until we make some more.
Yummy Homemade Ice Cream!!
Hanging with G-ma Patty
Hanging with G-pa Dan
We also went to Wye lake to visit the Hale said of the family. It had been a long time since the last time we saw everyone and it was so great to get to see them. We need to do it more often.
It was so hot that day so we had Kyrsten put her feet in the water for the first time. At first she got a little fussy but after a bit loved it. It was very cute!
The ride back home from the weekend was so beautiful with Seattle in the distance and Mt. Rainer. I love living in this part of the country it is so beautiful!
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