I went into labor Wednesday morning 4/28/2010 at 3am and checked into the hospital at 4:30am. We checked into the hospital the same day that we did last year when we delivered our first. It was really nice to know that we were going home this time with a baby. We thank the Lord everyday!!!
Once I was in the room the nurses checked my cervix and I was only dilated to 3cm so they had me walk around for 45 minutes. While we were out they got us a new room. The first room we got was really small and didn't even have chairs for Mike or my mom. It was very uncomfortable. The room they moved us to was the twins room so it was huge!! We were so blessed to get that room. It was on a corner so the view was amazing! It even had a flat screen TV!
I walked around most of the time while the contractions were about 4 to 5 minutes apart and lasting about 60 to 90 seconds long.
Another blessing that we received was the same nurse that we had last year. When she saw our name she requested to to have us. Kathy is her name. She was just amazing last year and we remember leaving last year and her saying that she would love to see us back in the hospital under better circumstances. It was so nice to have a familiar face.
Dr. Zeh has also been around since the last pregnancy and she has been so amazing and very understanding. Come to find out she was on call all of Tuesday and once she found out they we were checking into have Kyrsten she took a nap and decided to stay to deliver. Wow! What another blessing from the Lord. It made it that much more wonderful.
Around 9am Kathy came into ask me if I would like to get set up to have an epidural. They were going to have a c-section at 11:30am (with another patient) so they needed to get me hooked up to fluids in time before the anesthesiologist came in. At that time I wasn't ready to have it. I wanted to try to go all the way without it. Dr. Zeh and Kathy came back into the room to ask me again at around 10:30am and also checked my cervix and I was still only around 3 to 4cm. I couldn't believe that I had not progressed very much by that point and I was so nervous about the epidural and was not sure. Mike had the Dr. and Kathy leave so that he could talk to me about it. Needless to say he talked me into it due to the fact that I had been in labor already for 7 1/2 hours and at the time I didn't know it but I had another 7 1/2 hours until I started pushing. I wouldn't have had the strength to push if I had not gotten it. So Mike was right. ;)
Once I got the epidural they were able to given me petocin to progress the labor.
At 3pm the Dr. checked me again and I was at 5 to 6 cm so they upped my petocin dose. Once that happened I could still feel my contractions a bit. But I had asked for that epidural be light.
Before the Epidural
After the Epidural (fat faced full of fluids)
At around 5:45pm I asked my nurse Kathy about my epidural because it was making my left side so numb. I couldn't even lift my leg at all. She had my lay on my right side to see if it would move to that side and even things out. At that point around 6pm the Dr. came in to check my cervix again. She checked and said that I was fully dilated and 100% effaced and that we were ready to have a baby!!!
I was soooo nervous that I started to shake! I couldn't believe it and was very scared.
At that point my mom was going down stairs and Mike had to run out and grab her from the elevator to tell her that we were having a baby!!!
My mom held my right leg and Mike held my left leg (the really numb one). Mike watched for the contractions on the screen while my mom fed me ice chips and put a cold rag on my face between pushes.
I pushed for 1 hour and 20 minutes. I had Kyrsten Nicole Hale at 7:18pm. She was 7lbs 8oz and 19.5" long. We were instantly in love!!
I am so happy you posted pictures and your story...I have been checking you blog often waiting for your post :o) I am so happy for you guys and Isaiah and I would love to come visit you soon. Congrats to your new little family!!
ReplyDeleteBirth stories are the best! I'm so glad everything went well for you, and it is so great that you got that nurse again :)