There has been a whirlwind of things happening this month.... First of all you may remember my last post with the announcement of the sex of the baby only being an 80% chance.
I went to see my Dr. that following week and she said that she would reschedule an ultrasound for me by the end of January when I am around 26weeks along. She also said that the baby is measuring just right! Which is fabulous news!
Well they baby is definitely a mover and a shaker which, by the way, I LOVE! I know you other mothers out there are saying "you aren't going to like it much soon". But for now it gives me the reassurance that she is doing great! She is also getting stronger and bigger and it is very noticeable!
The second weekend of December Mike and I went on a Babymoon to Las Vegas! I originally wanted to go on a cruise but I needed to save as much vacation as I could, so this was the next best thing. We saw four shows Carrot Top (which by the way was a lot funnier than I thought it would be), Tournament of the Kings at Excalibur, Blue Man Group (awesome and they interacted with Mike, and it was on the big screen), and Cirque De Soliel: Mystere. We also did a lot of walking. When you have more weight on your body than you are used to it hurts to walk that much. Just when you think you are almost there, you're not! Carrot Top was right when he said the theme song for Las Vegas should be "I would walk 500 miles!" It was a nice time to get a way and enjoy each others company and take a vacation before the baby arrives.
We stayed at The Luxor
At the Tournament of The Kings Show
There was a beautiful waterfall display at the Venetian and much more!
We spent Christmas at G-ma Denham's house (Mike's Grandma). Unfortunately I don't have any pictures!! I totally spaced it, can you believe it?
We all had a great time and as always it is a pleasure to hang out with Mike's family!
I hope every one of you had a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward to the new year!
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