
"but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint."
~Isaiah 40:31

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Saturdays like this....

Are awesome!  It was a day that daddy was around (no baseball) and we really didn't have major plans so we kicked it around the house in the morning.  After Kyrsten's nap we decided to go garage sale shopping with no luck but found an amazing park in Martha Lake!
It was huge, with a great skate park, ball park, playground, and awesome art.  We had no idea that it existed! It was a nice detour for us to get out and stretch our legs...

The day continued to be awesome!  Lunch with Grandma Yvonne and Uncle Bob at our favorite... "Taco Del Mar"!!
Of course I couldn't resist taking some pictures of the beautiful roses Grandma got from the Denham family!

After getting home Kyrsten wanted a snack... We call it "Fishy Swa" aka "Goldfish"!  When we weren't looking she thought that it would be more fun to put them in Lola's dog bowl to eat from.  It was pretty cute.  She is getting such a creative and funny personality.   

We ended our night at home going through old CDs that didn't have writing on them.  It was fun going through them and reminiscing through all the great songs.  
I just love days like this!!

I love looking out our window at the end of the day and today was great!!

1 comment:

  1. What a great post! That sounds like the perfect family day!
