
"but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint."
~Isaiah 40:31

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Well the Hale family is doing better.  We all got sick one more time after that sick week a couple of weeks ago but we are now finally on the mend and feeling so much like ourselves. 
I have missed my happy Kyrsten and now she is back.  At least she has been for a couple of days. 

Here are some fun updates that Kyrsten is doing these days...

She loves to carry her baby around or keys (notice them in her hands in the picture above?).

She is walking so good these days but every once in a while falls head first (we still say she walks like a drunk sailor).  She has my forehead so she pretty much has bruises constantly there.

She says "Hi" when you walk into a room.

She waves bye bye when she is leaving or is going to bed.

One of her favorite foods is KFC Chicken (without the skin) she just eats it all up and she loves Fish crackers. 

(This isn't KFC (raviolis) but it sure is funny!)
She loves her daddy a lot these days.  I think it's because I drop her off at Daycare and he's the one that gets to pick her up.  So I look like the bad guy (I know, I know play me a little violin).  It's super cute though!

When she runs to you she doesn't stick out both arms it's always just one.  

She says "Thank you" (tank oo) but I don't think she knows what it means.  She just hears mommy say it to her all the time.   

She likes to sing to herself.  It's the most adorable thing ever.  She's just like her daddy that way. 

She has so many teeth now and the fussiness shows it.  Three top front teeth, two bottom front teeth, molars on the bottom, and a couple cutting through on top.  Just saw a new bottom front tooth trying to cut through today.  Fun times!

Her hair is getting so long and still so curly.  She gets compliments on it just about everyday.  You know I love it too.  I'm a proud momma!

She loves to give everyone high five.  Dad is still trying to teach her knuckles.  Not quite there yet but almost.

She also loves to play with the letter magnets on the refrigerator in the kitchen.  Thank goodness because I don't think I would ever get to cook a meal.  
Curious about everything...  Loves to open and close things...

I may have missed somethings but by they sure do grow up so fast and are always changing.  It's so fun being a parent and getting to enjoy watching your child grow.  It's a wonderful blessing. 

Until next time.  Good night!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun blog post! I loved reading all the updates about what she is doing and where she is it. She is just a little doll!!!
